

浜辺 ネックレス/ Beach

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Palnart Poc パルナートポック
Made in Japan

■販売期間 2023年06月09日 13:00~
  • mixiチェック
商品仕様 Product






モチーフサイズ:縦約31mm×横約22mm チェーン:約45cm+アジャスター約5cm

素 材:ピューター、カットガラス、ビーズ、シェル

Made in Japan


Waves come and go incessantly and repeatedly.

This cat seems to be interested in the white waves that bring seashells, sea glass, and pieces of coral.

She keeps watching it intently at the edge of the waves. The deep sea in vivid blue and the white waves with a three-dimensional effect are beautifully expressed in this necklace. *The coloring and the expression of the waves may vary from piece to piece.

Please enjoy them as handcrafting work.

Also, since light blue beads are natural materials, there are individual differences in color, pattern, and shape .

Motief:31mm×22mm Chain:45cm+Adjuster5cm
Material: Pewter, Cut Glass, Beads, Shell
This item is made by hands. Each item could have slightly different paint and expression, also each item is very sensitively made.
We are not accepting products returns or exchanges after wore.

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トップ > Palnart Poc Palette9月誕生色青特集2024 > 浜辺 ネックレス/ Beach
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